Meet Roseanne Romaine

rosie photo

I have been on my own personal wellness journey for the last 10 years. I spent many years fighting severe eczema, IBS, chronic fatigue, panic attacks, and unsettling brain fog before being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis). 

I have worn many hats throughout my life from theater student, to dancer, to aerobics instructor, to wife, to mother, to single mother, to pastry chef, chef, restaurant owner, & holistic chef & nutrition consultant. The immense stress and run hard lifestyle that I lead as a single Mom in the food industry and as a business owner took its toll on my health.  Being a single mom over the last 21 years and owning a high stress business like a restaurant wore my system down. I realized that my work and my lack of self-care truly had a devastating impact on my health. After my diagnosis I was devastated to be told I could no longer have gluten, sugar and eventually nightshades. I felt my entire identity as an Italian girl from Jersey, and an accomplished pastry chef & chef were being taken away from me. I felt my heritage and my ethnicity were being ripped away by some disease I hardly understood at the time. 

I thought I would never eat anything enjoyable again nor would I be able to physically and mentally continue to work at my profession. I was truly scared and depressed. I felt lost and unsupported. I realized the allopathic medical community was only able to treat my symptoms. I knew instinctively that I needed to get to the root causes of my issues if I wanted to gain back my overall wellbeing and energy. It was then that I embarked on my nutritional journey.

It has been a long road of schooling, researching, trials, tribulations, and experiments with food and lifestyle. I have had many successes and some failures too. 

I’ve spent a great deal of time figuring out what worked and why, and along the way have found joy and delight in the path my health has taken me. 

I would love nothing more than to be able to share my experience as to how I used my love of movement, my love of cooking and my knowledge of nutrition to help heal, recover, and find joy in my life. I would be honored to help guide you on your own Joyful Journey to Health.


My Experience

Certified Holistic Nutritionist PCC

Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist ®

National Association of Nutrition Professional (member)

Nutrition Education Volunteer - Oregon Food Bank

Pastry Chef/Owner: Pambiche

Holistic Chef Instructor PCC Community Ed