
On the Journey

Notes, updates, and at-home wellness tips and tricks from Rosie.

roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

Broccoli: Delicious and Versatile

I remember hating broccoli as a kid. My mom would boil it until it was dead and then slap a bit of margarine on it—yes, I said margarine—then she would call it a vegetable! It took me years to get my folks to eat real butter but that’s another story for another day.

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roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

Tromboncino, Dark Cherry, Chocolate Bread

This sweet Tromboncino squash bread with dark black dried cherries and bittersweet chocolate, is gluten free and always adaptable. I use dairy in this recipe, but of course the options are up to you.

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roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

Rosie’s Lamb Stew

This lamb stew can be made as a meat lover’s dream or a vegan’s delight. You choose. This recipe is gluten free by nature. I’m giving you the basic recipe and you can pick the direction that suits your needs. Feel free to add any veggie that makes you happy. 

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