Three Easy Detox Steps We Can All Take Today

During this unimaginable time of unprecedented wildfires that we are all living in I felt compelled to share a little information on how we can detox our bodies. We are all being highly impacted by the fires, the destruction, and the devastation. I am sure you have been feeling the effect of not only the physical stress but the mental and emotional stress that this heavy toxic smoke is causing all of us here in the Pacific NW. There are hundreds of detox blogs and protocols out there, I am not here to sell you any of those programs. I’m here to share some very basic information that we all can start using immediately. The point of detoxing is to support our body’s natural detoxifying pathways. We naturally clean out toxins from our bodies through our urine, poop, sweat, and breath. Our liver and our kidneys along with our lungs, skin and colon work day and night to keep the toxins out and to remove the toxins from our bodies. We can support these organs by doing a few very simple and cost-free things. 


Did you know that your body is 60-70% H2O? Water is truly the elixir of life. Water keeps every cell in our body functioning. Without water we simply die. So how much water you ask? Well we are unique bio-individuals and we also each have different levels of activity, live in different climates, eat differently etc. So, the answer will be slightly different for each of us. There is a general rule of thumb and that is, to drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces. So, if you weigh 160 lbs. you should be drinking 80 fluid ounces a day. That’s 10- 8 oz glasses. I would suggest that while we are living in this toxic soup of forest fire smoke we should add on a few extra glasses if possible, on top of that. This is a simple generally cost-free way to vastly improve your health and clean out your system on a daily basis.

The next thing you can do is SLEEP.

Yes sleep. It’s free, and it allows our bodies to repair and renew. I have been personally stressed as of late and sleep has been a challenge. I am sure many of you are experiencing the same issue. My advice is  take advantage of it when you can. Take that nap if you feel it, go to bed when you’re tired. Who cares if its 8:30 pm? Stop putting sleep off to binge some new show, or finish some chore. Make sleep a priority. Create a conducive environment in your home. Lower the lights, have some herbal tea or warm water, turn off the noise, maybe listen to some good music for a bit, get comfy, let the day go and rest. Tomorrow will be waiting for you. You will be better prepared to handle the new day with a solid 8 hours of rest and repair behind you. If you really have a difficult time unwinding, you could try some warm chamomile tea or warm golden milk. Melatonin or Magnesium are both supplements and will cost you some cash, but they can work wonders if you are struggling with sleep. These are all natural ways to wind down and get some zzz’s. Many people find once they get into a solid sleep pattern and start feeling the benefits of a good night sleep, they no longer need any help when it comes time for bed. Remember your body is an amazing creation, we do regenerate and heal, all while sleeping cozy in our beds.


Fiber is a natural sponge. Eating foods like fresh fruits and veggies will provide water and fiber. The fiber acts as a toxin sponge, sweeping and scooping up the junk collecting in our colon and carrying it out in our poop. I know we all don’t generally like talking about poop but, It’s pretty basic. The bulk provided by the fiber we eat helps to form our poop and cleans out the colon as it travels down and out. So, bulk it up and flush those toxins down the toilet. It’s essential to keeping our insides clean of the toxins we are exposed to on the daily. 

We cannot change what is, but we can take action that will support our health and wellbeing. 

I’m going to work on a couple recipes that I will share so we can all make them. I’m thinking dandelions. I have some fun ways to get your bitter greens working for you. Stay tuned. In the meanwhile, I hope you take those three easy steps to supporting your bodies natural detox functions, water, fiber, sleep.

Take care and be well,



Eye Healthy Frittata


Tromboncino Squash