
On the Journey

Notes, updates, and at-home wellness tips and tricks from Rosie.

roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

Dandelion Love

I am happy to say that there is a shift towards exploring traditional foods and recipes, even if it’s not the exact, original recipes. I hope that this continues, and that we can all start sharing the knowledge and love we have for the foods of our ancestors.

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roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

Fun with Fennel

March is here and there is usually a great deal of talk about the color green this month. Maybe it’s that the coming of Spring and the color green seem to go so well together. Let’s have some fun to fennel!

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roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

Summer Harvest Veggie Patties

This recipe uses the best of our summer harvest: Zucchini, carrots, swiss chard (or any greens you have), beets, onions, and garlic. All goodies we may find in our backyard, in CSA’s, and certainly at the farmer’s market.

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