Summer Harvest Veggie Patties

The end of summer is approaching, and I know that many of you have been trying to figure out what to do with the amazing amount of zucchini and tomatoes you have all been growing.

I—who planted my zucchini in the beginning of July trying to avoid the white mold—am still waiting to be overwhelmed by the promised abundance of zucchini plants. Many of you, however, have had much more success than me. I know this because I have been the grateful recipient of many a neighbor’s free zucchini offers!

The recipe I’m sharing this month uses the best of our summer harvest. It’s a bit of work but well worth it. It gives you a reason to use all your summer veggies in one meal: Zucchini, carrots, swiss chard (or any greens you have), beets, onions, and garlic. All goodies we may find in our backyard, in CSA’s, and certainly at the farmer’s market.

What I love about the recipe is that if you bake as opposed to pan fry, these burgers will hold up well for several days in the fridge and easily re-heat. The patties make an excellent sub-in for meat; should you desire a full-on veggie dinner. I like to serve them with a touch of fresh mozzarella and a good nutty pesto sauce. I side this with Italian seasoned roasted sweet potato slices and tossed greens in a simple olive oil dressing.

Some of my favorite variations are using the patties like toast and topping with an egg, some micro greens and hot sauce for breakfast, or filling them with fresh roasted turkey and cheese for an alternative quick lunch sandwich. They are super versatile and your imagination is the limit.

Pro tip: if you make a double batch, you can cool them and then freeze them by wrapping in some fresh parchment and placing in a marked freezer bag for a fast future dinner.

I hope you have all had a great summer, hopefully you have gotten out in nature and enjoyed some sunshine. I hope we all continue to enjoy the sun and fresh air all through September. I will be working on a blog about meal prepping and hope to have a video demo of the same subject coming up in September.

Stay tuned and please check my Instagram or Facebook page for more info coming up.

Otherwise look for September’s recipe in about 4 weeks.

Love to you all, stay well, eat well, be well.


Summer Harvest Veggie Patties


For the patties

  • 1 medium zucchini

  • 1 medium beet

  • 1 medium carrot

  • 4 green onions

  • 3 cloves chopped garlic

  • 1 small bunch of kale, chard or beet greens

  • 3 large eggs

  • 1 tsp. aluminum free baking powder

  • 2 tsp. olive oil

  • ⅔ cup Buckwheat flour

  • 1 tsp. sea salt

  • 1 tsp. black pepper

  • 1 tsp. dried thyme

  • 2 tsp. dried parsley

For the sauce

  • 4 chopped fresh tomatoes

  • 3 cloves chopped garlic

  • 8 leaves fresh basil

  • 1 T olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. If baking: Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper sprayed with avocado or coconut oil or another high heat stable oil.

  2. Wash and dry all your vegetables.

  3. Grate the zucchini, beet, and carrot.

  4. De-stem, roll and slice the greens thinly, and chop into even smaller pieces.

  5. Slice and dice the green onions.

  6. Mix your eggs in a large bowl with seasonings, flour, and olive oil and whisk.

  7. Fold in all veggies, mix well.

  8. At this point you can pan fry your patties or oven bake them. I prefer the oven —less oil, less mess, patty holds up better in the fridge and freezer for future leftovers. But frying works much quicker.

  9. Scoop 2 T of batter onto your prepared baking sheet. Spray the tops of the patties with a touch of oil and bake for 15 mins. Flip, and bake another 15 minutes.

  10. While your patties are baking, prepare your sauce. In a small saucepan, heat your olive oil and add tomatoes, garlic, salt and pepper. All the tomato to cook down a bit and soften. Taste for seasoning. Tear basil leaves and stir in with the heat off.

  11. To serve: Serve three patties, topped with a touch of sauce. This could be served along side a gluten-free pasta and beans or a nice garbanzo bean salad. I like to serve them as a side to roasted salmon or trout.


If you are nightshade free, these patties are great with a creamy pesto sauce in place of tomato sauce or with a dollop of fresh greek yogurt and cucumber sauce.

Nutrient Information

Calories 235
Total Fat 10g
Saturated Fat 2g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 5g
Cholesterol 139mg
Sodium 886mg
Total Carbohydrate 28g
Dietary Fiber 6g
Sugars 7g
Protein 10g


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