
On the Journey

Notes, updates, and at-home wellness tips and tricks from Rosie.

roseanne romaine roseanne romaine

For the Love of Winter Squash

Winter squashes are excellent sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, B and K. They contain beneficial amounts of Zinc, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Fiber. They are chock full of antioxidants called carotenoids, which have proven properties that help fight cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

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Italian Pumpkin Soup

This recipe works with any winter squash you can find and has easy substitutes for vegan or dairy free eaters. It’s easy, and full of nutrient dense squash!

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Tromboncino Squash

What do you do when friends bring you an abundance of their summer squash bounty? I know what I do; I say thank you!

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Tromboncino, Dark Cherry, Chocolate Bread

This sweet Tromboncino squash bread with dark black dried cherries and bittersweet chocolate, is gluten free and always adaptable. I use dairy in this recipe, but of course the options are up to you.

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