Bushels of Blueberries

July is Blueberry season here in the Pacific Northwest. It is one of my favorite times of year. Every July I head out to Sauvie Island and hit Bella Organic Farms for a morning of blueberry picking. I gather as many pounds as I can handle of these delicious, nutritious little blue gems.

I usually end up with about 8-9 pounds before the sun starts to wear me down and I have to take a break. The farm is a lovely place to get your hands dirty, breath some clean fresh air, take in the sun and do some good hard work. The payoff for me is a feeling of accomplishment, a sense of being one with nature and a winter’s worth of locally grown, hand-picked, organic blueberries at an excellent price. If you happen to live anywhere that you can do some berry picking, I highly recommend you give it a try.

I’m sure many of you have heard that blueberries and berries in general are good for you and that you should include them in your weekly meal plan. I’m going to tell you a little bit about why they are so good for you! I also have a sugar-free recipe that you can keep in the fridge and use to create toppings for pancakes, sauces for fish and meats, or even a blueberry mocktail or cocktail. 

A Marvel of Nature

The mighty little blueberry is not only packed with delicious flavor, but also fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 1 cup of blueberries contains about 80 calories. It’s also considered a low glycemic fruit—this means that it will not add to blood sugar spikes if eaten naturally, and in reasonable portions.

The berry is full of water, so it is a hydrating food.

Blueberries contain rich amounts of vitamins C and K, as well as magnesium and potassium. It also has some vitamin B6 and iron. The flavonoids—which are what give them their striking color—are associated with a large array of health benefits as a powerful anti-inflammatory food. They support brain and heart health, while having cancer fighting properties. 

They truly are a marvel of nature.

I have found, personally, that over the years as I research the properties of foods I’m always amazed at how magical nature is and what a wonderful array of natural healing plants we have at our fingertips, just waiting to be used. It is for this reason that I share my thoughts and I share these recipes.

Food, as Hippocrates once said, is our best medicine. And that should always be remembered. Food is also a joy and a pleasure we can share as a community and as a family.

I sincerely hope that this will inspire you to eat more berries this summer! And if you go picking and freeze them, you will have them all winter to enjoy and be nourished by. 

Below is a simple blueberry sauce recipe.

I like to make this and then use it as a topping for my GF Banana pancakes, which I’ll share with my Recipe of the Month Club. If you would like to join (it’s free!), sign up!

Enjoy this sauce, enjoy the summer and let me know what fun delicious and nutritious foods you make with this summer’s blueberries.



Flourless Banana Pancakes


Blueberry Sauce