Mulling Spices


Dry Spices

  • 6 allspice berries

  • 10 whole cloves

  • 4 cinnamon sticks

  • 12 cardamom pods

  • 4 star anise

Fresh fruits and spice

  • 2 oranges, one zested and juiced, the other sliced

  • 1 finger of fresh ginger, sliced

  • 4 dates, pitted and sliced

  • 1 -750ml bottle of your favorite naturally produced red wine or ½ Gallon unsweetened organic fresh pressed apple cider.

Equipment needeD

  • Slow cooker or heavy bottomed potCheesecloth or infuser bag

  • Sharp knife

  • Cutting board

  • Twine

  • Zester, if you have one, otherwise a sharp knife works too


  1. Wrap your dry spices and orange zest in a piece of cheesecloth and tie closed. If you have an infusing bag, that will work too. The cinnamon sticks, if left whole, can go in unwrapped.

  2. Choose a fruity red wine, a mid-price bottle is all that is needed. For a nonalcoholic version choose a good, local fresh pressed apple cider.

  3. Place the spices, orange juice, fresh ginger, dates, and orange slices into your pot.

  4. Pour your wine or cider over, place heat on low and allow to warm gently and slowly for about 30 minutes, longer if you have the time. (DO NOT BOIL)


Once warmed and your wine/cider has absorbed the flavors of your spices and fruit, serve in your favorite hot mug or glass. Garnish with some fruit if you like and enjoy.


Create Warming from the Inside Out


Reflections on the Harvest Season